Medicover Hospitals, OPD No -17, Level 1, NH16 Main Road, Sector- 6, Venkojipalem, Visakhapatnam-530017.Medicover Hospitals, OPD No -17, Level 1, NH16 Main Road, Sector- 6, Venkojipalem, Visakhapatnam-530017. Varicose Vein Laser Treatment, Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh | Dr Siba Sankar Dalai, Senior Consultant, Interventional Radiologist & Neuroradiologist

Varicose Vein

Varicose vein

Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on the legs and feet. They may be blue or dark purple, and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance.

dr sibasankar dalai


Varicose veins are usually caused by weak vein walls and valves. Inside your veins are tiny one-way valves that open to let the blood through, and then close to prevent it flowing backwards. Sometimes the walls of the veins become stretched and lose their elasticity, causing the valves to weaken.

If the valves don't function properly, this can cause the blood to leak and flow backwards. If this happens, the blood collects in your veins, which become swollen and enlarged.

Other conditions
  • a previous blood clot
  • abnormal blood vessels
  • a swelling or tumour in the pelvis


Varicose veins are rarely a serious condition and they don't usually require treatment.

  • varicose veins that are causing pain, aching, discomfort, swelling, heaviness or itching
  • changes in the colour of the skin on your leg that may be caused by problems with the blood flow in the leg
  • Localised redness and warmth
  • hard and painful varicose veins that may be caused by problems with the blood flow in the leg


Treatment of varicose veins is usually necessary:

  • Endothermal ablation involves using energy either from high-frequency radio waves or lasers to seal the affected veins..
  • Radiofrequency ablation involves heating the wall of your varicose vein using radiofrequency energy.
  • Endovenous laser treatment endovenous laser treatment involves having a catheter inserted into your vein and using an ultrasound scan to guide it into the correct position.
  • sclerotherapy involves injecting special foam into your veins. The foam scars the veins, which seals them closed.
  • Ligation and stripping involves tying off the vein in the affected leg and then removing it.

Medicover Hospitals, OPD No -17, Level 1, NH16 Main Road, Sector- 6, Venkojipalem, Visakhapatnam-530017.